A School Management Software is a tool to manage school Admission, school Account, School Time Table, School Examination Like Admit card, Desk Slip, Report Card, Cross List, Consolidated Sheet, Toppers List, Homework Assignment, Tutorials, Bulk SMS to communicate with parents, Voice SMS, Bulk Whatsapp SMS, Biometric Attandance, GPS Tracking System.
Gurukul School Management Software is a robust system that lets schools go paperless and streamline the tedious administrative tasks on a single plateform by bringing automation. Our School Management Software is hosted on cloud and equipped with latest technologies, such as artificial intelligence, biometric attendance, data analysis, thus it is considered one of the most preferable and trusted School Management Software in India. As schools have comprehensive subjects and complex exam pattern; the need to go digital is paramount. School ERP Software provides the following advantages :
GURUKUL SOFTWARE Provides a complete solution for your School at a single place. It simplifies the work of Teachers and Principal and gives a better report to management. our software supports networking and each department can work independently and communicate to each other. GURUKUL SOFTWARE is available in Hindi and English. Gurukul software also communicates with parents and teachers using SMS and voice calls. GURUKUL is a user friendly software, it is very easy to use, no need to special training.
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